May God bless our service men and women from the past and currently serving to preserve our freedom and quality of life... and God bless the United States of America!
Quotes and Testimonials:
”Since becoming manager for our Lufkin property I have been very pleased with the sweeping of our parking lot and how well your staff pays particular attention to some of the hard-to-get areas. The first impression a shopper gets of our property is upon their first sight of our exterior. You all do a wonderful job taking care of that."
-Tom Jenkins Sr.-General Manager-Lufkin Mall
“Any time anyone says my yard looks great, I tell them It’s not my doing, it’s USA Landscape Services! I tell them all things they do for the price, and it is so worth it. Especially in this heat, I don’t want to get out there and work in my yard!”
- Kelly Frazier
“Thank you, I love my crew. They really take good care of my yard!”
- Ms. Tommy Sparks
“Truly professionals, in every sense of the word, affordable and timely. The bank grounds are a testimony and the way they look speaks for its self.”
- Kip Miller , President/ Angelina Savings Bank"
“ I calculated the cost of the actual equipment , its maintenance and upkeep for my lawn in Hudson (as well as my shop in downtown Lufkin) and it was a no-brainer. USA Landscape Services not only saves me money, but they do a superior job to what I was doing on my own. It’s hard to mow your lawn from a boat or a deer stand! “
- Billy Lee-Billy Lee’s Locksmith Service Inc.

Thanks for
voting us #1 in
Angelina County two years
in a row!
Copyright 2014 USA Landscape Services - 3059 Hwy 69 N. Lufkin TX 75904
Site Created by Eagle Communications, LLC
“Any time anyone says my yard looks great, I tell them It’s not my doing, it’s USA Services! I tell them all things they do for the price, and it is so worth it. Especially in this heat, I don’t want to get out there and work in my yard!”